Monday, January 30, 2012

Royal Rumble Review WWE 25th Anniversary

My top four wrestlers to win Royal Rumble was:

1. Undertaker
2. Shamus
3. John Cena
4. Randy Orton

Out of them 4, Shamus reigned victory over 29 other men to with the Royal Rumble.

Also, Big Show vs. Mark Hammery vs Daniel Bryant went up for Heavyweight champion in a steel cage match.
You will never guess who won out of these 3 men...
Daniel Bryant won and is still Heavyweight champ

Here is why:
- He had all the energy going into the match, he was fan favorite to win the match, but he didn't :(

Monday, January 23, 2012

Welcome to my blog!!!!

My name is Dean The Sports Dude!!!

I love talking sports and will share my opinions on the sports I enjoy!
Look forward to many posts about football, basketball and wrestling!

Please comment and vote in my weekly polls.


Dean The Sports Dude

New England and Giants 2nd Time for the Super Bowl

This is a repeat of the 2007 Super Bowl, New England Patriots vs New York Giants, my opinion is that the New England Patriots are going to beat the Giants this year.

Here is Why:

  • Tom Brady is the factor because he is a Michigan Man!
  • Tom Brady has 3 Super Bowl Rings!
  • Eli Manning just has one
  • Patriots are 12-3 overall
  • Giants beat Green Bay on a Fluke
New England Patriots will be Super Bowl Champions!

In my opinion....

Dean The Sport Dude!